A Poetic Journey Through Cancer-Land (Volume I): Chronological Index

{A note about the context.}

These are reflections made during my journey through "cancer-land" in chronological order (from Oct7/08 --7 months after initial cancerous polyp partially removed on Mar.13/08 - location unknown):

Volume I

The Fun And Games At Diagnosis Stage (# 1-44):

Triage - Oct/7/08
The Doctor - Oct/30/08
Alzheimer's - Oct/30/08
The Church - Oct/30/08
The Apostle - Oct/30/08
Headlights - Nov/3/08
Middle See - Nov/12/08
NCI Chat - Nov/18/08
Logical Confinement - Nov/22/08
The Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven - Nov/24/08
The Ice Flow - Nov/25/08
Pioneer Mom - Nov/26/08
Pay-Up Time - Dec.01/08
The End of the System-Mystress - Dec.02/08
Because It's Time - Dec.03/08
Tina - Dec.06/08
Giving Honor - Dec/08/08
Beside Still Waters - Dec/09/08
The Encourager - Dec/09/08
The Vanguard - Dec/11/08
Short-Field Take-Off - Dec/11/08
Spring Breakup - Dec/11/08
Future Present - Dec/11/08
Morning Prayer - Dec/11/08
Stastical Pain - Dec/16/08
Radiant Beams - Dec/17/08
Shop Floor Transformation - The Woman From India - Dec/17/08
The Lieutenant - Dec/19/08
Dare I To Hope - Dec/20/08
Dreams - Dec/22/08
"Breakfast" To The Chicken And The Pig - Dec/23/08
Crossing Cultural Time - Dec/23/08
Community - Dec/24/08
Christmas 1946 - Dec/25/08
His Fleet - Dec/28/08
Of What Remains? - Dec/29/08
The "ology" of "Med'sun" - Dec/31/08
Borderland Delight - Jan/01/09
The Heat Pump - Jan/01/09
Our Day - Jan/07/09
The Competitor - Jan/07/09
Costa Rica - Jan/07/09
The Swordsman - Jan/07/09
The Twister's Eye - Jan/09/09

A Shift In Locus Of Control (# 45 - 77 ) :

"Cure Day" - Jan/10/09
"A Bullet Dodged" - Jan/11/09
"Journey's End" - Jan/11/09
"The Survivor" - Jan/11-12/09
"Communion" - Jan/11/09
"Journey's End -- A new Beginning" - Jan/12/09
"Quality" - Jan/12/09
"Two Tears For The Healthcare System...Hip Hip..." - Jan/21/09
"Tummy" - Jan/21/09
"Barack Obama" - Jan/21/09
"Mixing Drinks" - Jan/22/09
"Getting Through Christmas" - Jan/22-23/09
"Faith" - Jan/23/09
"More" - Jan/23/09
"Derby Fanfare" - Jan/23/09
"The Windows Of My Soul" - Jan/23/09
"Rural Chapel" - Jan/23/09
"A Shifted Point Of View" - Jan/23/09
"Terminal Generation" - Jan/25/09
"C.V" - Jan/25/09
"Joyful, Joyful..." - Jan/26/09
"Flight" - Jan/27/09
"I sCream For What?" - Jan/28/09
"The Tapestry" - Jan/29/09
"The Cobra And The Mongoose" - Jan/29/09
"Imperfection" - Jan/31/09
"Connections" - Feb/4/09
"Resonances" - Feb/6/09
"ATCK" (Adult Third Culture Kid) - Feb/7/09
"Credibility" - Feb/7/09
"Why Poetry?" - Feb/7/09
"Over The Wall" - Feb/11/09
"Louis Riel Day (Indian Health Care Song)" - Feb/16/09

A Shift In Locus Of Operation (# 78 - 108) :

"Frost On The Pain" - Feb/22/09
"Recovering Awe" - Feb/22/09
"Between A Rock And A Card Place" - Feb/24/09
"Mana" - Feb/24/09
"Call To Commitment" - Feb/27/09
"The Gift" - Mar/06/09
"First Aniversary" - Mar/10/09
"The Living And The Dead" - Mar/12/09
"Slippage" - Mar/13/09
"Lonesome Valley" - Mar/15/09
"Vacated Space" - Mar/17/09
"Lilliput" - Mar/19-21/09
"Isaiah : Second Edit of Readers'Theater" - Mar/21/09
"Crossing Cultural Lines (And Third Culture Kids)" - Mar/22-23/09
"To Mentor" - Mar/28/09
"Now" - Apr/02/09
"Wilder Penfield" - Apr/02/09
"Genetic Train" - Apr/06/09
"Forthright Authenticity" - Apr/07/09
"Income vs. Outgo" - Apr/09/09
"The Transition (Start Of Costa Rica Trip) " - Apr/13/09
"The Substantiating of Things Hoped For " - Apr/15/09
"This Day " - Apr/15/09
"Panama " - Apr/15/09
"Incidents In Our Paths " - Apr/16/09
"Systemic Sin " - Apr/17/09
"Our Capacity To Love " - Apr/18/09
"New Lease On Life " (End of the Costa Rica Trip)- Apr/19/09
"The Allergy In Perfection " - Apr/20/09
"Life-Giving Memory" - Apr/22/09

Re-integration Of Photography Into Life – In Relation To Cancer (# 109 -138 ) :

"The Tumblin' Roamin' catholic " - Apr/24/09-AM
"Ambassador Of Friendship " - Apr/24/09-AM
"Rip Van Winkle " - Apr/24/09-AM
"The Week In Between " - Apr/24/09-PM
"That Pesky End Of Time " - Apr/25/09
"Second Chance " - Apr/30/09
"The Pebble In Our Shoe " - Apr/31/09
"The Picture Lived " - May/02/09
"A Watercolor " - May/03/09
"Psalm 22's Love Passed Along " - May/03/09
"Ooops... " - May/05/09
"Four Steps Behind " - May/05/09
"Prayer For A Friend " - May/06/09
"This Little Congregation" - May/07/09
"First Anniversary Of Diagnosis" - May/08/09
"My Mistake Last Week" - May/09/09
"Don't Be Afraid" - May/10/09
"The Creenglish Side Of Freedom" - May/10/09
"The Picture" - May/10/09
"Perspective" - May/10/09
"Inside Looking out" - May/11/09
"Lying Down In Green Pastures - Expressions In Clay" - May/16/09
"Managing Losses" - May/17/09
"Inside-Outside" - May/20/09
"The Presence" - May/20/09
"This Wrinkled Clay" - May/23/09
"Many Hands " - May/25/09
"The Pastor " - May/25/09
"The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars" (A Costa Rican Expresion) " - May/25/09
"Testosterone At 60 " - May/26/09

The Start of Stu-Art Output (# 139 - 170 ) :

"Communion " - May/26/09
"Four Things We Need - 1 - Daily Bread " - May/26/09
"Four Things We Need - 2 - Forgiveness" - May/26/09
"Four Things We Need - 3 - Deliverance From Temptation" - May/26/09
"Four Things We Need - 4 - Deliverance From Evil " - May/26/09
"Second Death" - May/27/09
"Tempo In The Town" - May/28/09
"Second Careers" - May/28/09
"Acceptance" - May/28/09
"On Keeping On Keeping On" - May/30/09
"Victory Lap" - May/30/09
" 'How Then Will Jesus Get Down?' " - May/31/09
"Wind Of The Spirit" - May/31/09
"O Lord Your Spirit" - May/31/09
"Third Layer" - May/31/09
"Fifty-one Percent" - June/1/09
"Blessing From Pain" - June/2/09
"The Painter" - June/5/09
"John" - June/5/09
"The Choice" - June/6/09
"Who Is This Man?" - June/7/09
"Having Gone" - June/7/09
"Location's False Promise" - June/7/09
"The Antidote" - June/13/09
" 'I Don't Need You...' " - June/13/09
"The '-Ology' Of Cash " - June/13/09
"Things " - June/14,16/09
"If I Could Stay Away " - June/16/09
"The Unteachables " - June/16/09
"The Picture Window " - June/18/09
"Money's Use " - June/19/09
"Redemption " - June/23/09

Concluding Poem of Volume I (# 171 )

" 'The Play's The Thing' " - June/25/09

Volume II

Shift to A Poetic Journey Through Cancer Land - Volume II (July 1/09)
