Middle See


I cannot shed the darkness for the light that fills your world
For all its winsomeness and charm. My darkness known
And felt holds not the terrors of the night for me –
Pushed back repeatedly as embers flare to
Flames then die again to warming coals – I’m used to dark.

There is a picture in the mall this Christmas season
With faces dark when set in folds of white,
But from my world where life is cloaked in shadow
The sparkle of dark eyes brings hope to life.

Perhaps you think you have to do some wonder
To bring your light into my darkened soul
Or faced with fearsome hint of sin and evil
Must find some mitigating road to go.

Fear not -- your time will come – and on that night
Perhaps your thoughts will turn to me
Assured they cannot strip the light that floods your soul
The light within my eyes as dark you’ll see.
