Garden Variety Economics

Churches are made up of people from a surrounding society,
who bring with them models of how the Church should be run - often with disastrous results.

Churches are made up of people who own or work in businesses in a surrounding society,
who usually know better than to take Church processes back into their businesses.

Now suppose that businesses adopted a healthier mode of operation.

Then the people from there could bring with them such models of how the Church should be run -
with much healthier results.

Then, when implemented, the church members could take these new Church processes back into their Businesses,
to the benefit of all the community.

This project section is being used to explore and develop a healthier view of economics than is possible using either of the two models in common use today : Capitalism and Socialism. It will seek to explore and develop a healthier view of economics by using the Biblical model of a "tree planted by the water" from Psalm 1.

In short, this site is a quest for "Garden Variety Economics". What was it that God had in mind in regards to the economic aspect of life, way back in the Garden, before we got ourselves all mixed up in it? It is an exploration which uses the metaphor of the tree from Psalm 1 as a mentally-liberating tool, to enable us to look with fresh eyes at both Scripture and the economic world around us.

I have a included a fuller explanation of how I came to have my head cleared of the Capitalist-Socialist models long enough to listen once again to what is really going on in Western Manitoba Rural Society, and to take a fresh look at what might be done about it at the local level by ordinary people, in particualr Christian people in local congregations in this geographic area.

Garden Variety Economics

[* = content in item]

[Note: As I am at present taking a little Side Journey through Cancer-Land, the following topics are going to have to wait for development: ]
