The Gift

Strange how things shift as time goes on
And the months turn into one year
Horizon’s issues fade from view
But new margins become quite clear.

The limits on the daily hours
Remain the same at twenty-four
But energy within those hours
Is reduced so I look for more.

She says to trim the sails first
And attend to the charts and course
So length of day can fade away
We can look back without remorse.

“The only thing that’s changed, you see,
Is the awareness of your day.
You’ve had one year to get quite clear –
Time and energy pass away.”

The 'values-list' was quick to flow
'How it plays out' came into view
A 'mission' focus sharped up
Though the 'goals-list' had none too few.

“So check the use now of your time
And slippage of chain on the gears
You won’t gain much but tightened clutch
Wasted moments turns into years.

“Then look quite close at why you swerve
Each time that you wander away.
That mirror shows your values clear –
Time and energy for your day.”

The day I learned to sail our boat
My uncle came up along side
From neck and neck he pulled away
But my technique he did not chide.

He simply pointed to my mast
Made a fluttering sign with hand
I saw at once and trimmed my sail
Surged ahead – made it first to land.

So this I’ve done, and felt success,
When I learned to sail as a child;
With a grin I haul the mainsail tight –
Feel it surge in this wind so wild.
