Call To Commitment
“All In” for me when just a child :
“My weary dad – contented, smiled”
These poker days have changed that phrase
To macho bluff, with us not phased.In choice now lying here for me
Both echo forth to some degree
But something here allures me more
A siren’s call from days of yore.There’s just one bullet in our gun
Before our worldly course is run
Just one more venture we have got
Just one more trip around the block.Then we in turn account must give
For how this life we chose to live –
Of resource used and skill applied
How time we’ve spent before we died.So spend on one or split on many?
Support to old or just to any
Thing that moves us down the road
To firmer ground or lighter load?“All in” has gone form old to new
As now I seek out what to do
Your hand, O Lord, grasps firmly mine
My other back takes hers in mine.Your providence, O Lord, is not
The focus of what trust I’ve got
But rather, it’s your guidance, see,
That’s locus of my trust in Thee.I trust you’ll take us through the mire
And fill to full our hearts’ desire
Thus take us to accounting day
Our task fulfilled in your own way.To say that, is not lightly done
For we are products of the ones
Who like their goals and way to see
And do not speak of walk with Thee.It’s years we’ve walked this path, us two,
In silence, though the others knew
How firm the bond, how set the glue,
“all in” it’s been for me, with you.You said, “Eight hours each day if spent
In photo world, and primely meant
Would land us safe on Canaan’s side
Desires fulfilled, naught else to hide.Interpretation left for me
To make from our side – full degree”.
But I’ve shied back, for fear, I guess
Though you’ve fulfilled your earthly ‘Yes’.But now, one bullet left for us
It’s all or nothing after fuss
Do we believe your guiding word
Or is it just for us absurd?Before the break, “all in” was “tired”
And I in mess was deeply mired
But now “all in” just faces me –
Commitment’s call, one of degree.That’s it! That book from dad I lent
Of folks “all in”, and how it went
As they their lives joined with Another
A walk with you and with each other.That vision of a group post-war
Committed to a Church restored
Gave vision clear to dad and me
That’s still the siren’s lure, I see.In that I saw potential burst
Of Church’s role to quench the thirst
For justice, care, compassion’s strike
And artist’s role in things made right.That coffeehouse – a place for all
To gather, talk, and fill the wall
With art of those like seeds being sown
Then nurtured well till fully grown.Commitment – body mind and soul
To care for each, become more whole.
That beacon lit the globe around –
Their quiet walk a winsome sound.What if fulfilled that dream we make
By them inspired – not replicate –
On terms “all in” not old, but new,
Thus come, full circle, now with you?navigation