Borderland Delight
I research from the inside –
Both because I must and can –
And doing so helps me to keep
My mind off adjunct pain –
Who knows, maybe a day will come
When insights I pick up
Might prove of help to someone
Rising up to acts from luck.I’m neither 'ask' nor 'tell' – I ask to tell – for if I do
Not ask I’d be the cat – and subsequently die the fool.
But if I cannot tell then they remain in ditches deep
Their empty lives not knowing
That it did not have to be.It’s hard to stay objective
When there’s fire in what’s said
And the folks just living life are
Dropping bricks upon your head.
I don’t set out to do research
But once things get derailed,
I flip into my research mode –
To see just how I’m being assailed.Crash-test-dummies research
In a process much like mine
For it’s not about the impact
Of the wheel upon its spine
But participative data
Gathered by this messed-up seer
Which is transferred to a data pack
That’s wired far to its rear.In aberrant behavior I so often find the key
Which opens up a culture’s code
It’s central core to see
Making access clean and simple
So the stuck can be set free.
I work on the borderlands where subject’s views of life
Impact objective truths and go to ground, at times with strife.
I like to bridge such chasms with perspectives from my being
Flowing light from one to other, showing what the other's seeing.
But when forced to choose by pressure – I'll do research – in my style,
Leaving data there for others – making crash-tests all worthwhile.navigation