“Scottish Life As Normative” [W.B. Todd intro to “Reflections On Adam Smith's Book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Indianapolis : Liberty Classics, 1981 (Vol.I and II) Book 1 - Gen Intro A]

I grew up with a Scottish dad,
First generation here; I’m glad
I had exposure to his thought,
With affect flat and life of “Ought”.

For as I read Todd’s intro here
To Adam Smith, he makes it clear
That Adam views as normative
The Scottish ways – so formative –

To dad’s upbringing as a lad,
As “Giver-financier” (I’m glad
I had exposure to that way
Of viewing people-types today) –

For they’re the cool dudes – banker ilk;
Get money-view in mother’s milk;
Resource fields are awash with them;
Quite generous – will money lend –

The “Proverbs” every culture has,
Are written by them – “Wisdom” jazz;
Those pithy sayings, cryptic, tight;
Ben Franklin’s stuff – who says it right.

So Todd starts out in prior book –
At Moral Sentiments he looks,
And shares how it is just part one
Of Wealth of Nations – has some fun –

Outlining Smith’s unique display
Of Scots – his normative of ways
All people live – well, I object,
That’s Scottish view – quite good – and yet –

Quite ethnocentric in his thought
That “What I see is what we ought
To take as basis for mankind
(Good view of Smith, but never mind)”.

Book One for Smith takes on two probs:
“What makes cool dude who’s not had odds
With all mankind, but gains esteem
And honor, approbation keen?”

The second question Smith takes on
Is, “Why the mind calls one act wrong,
Another right, preferring one
As way of life – with virtues sung?”

The bottom line is, “Santa’s list –
Of naughty-nice”, in us exists
For others (and for self depends
On one’s “Imaginary friend”).

“Propriety” is basis here;
From “Disproportion” we all veer;
And when we don’t, we get upset
Inside – our balanced-life we’ve wrecked.

Well, that’s so Scottish it has mist
Surrounding it – and on his list
Of benefits – the neighbors’ view
Of our behavior – makes us do –

What must be done to “Better selves” –
“From poverty to riches” spells
The way of life in hero’s quest;
Fair play pursuing status blessed.

He says as we buy into “Stuff”,
We draw up laws, at first quite rough,
Protecting rich from poor at base;
And government to legislate –

New status quo for one and all;
And rules, lest rulers sometimes fall
To actions based in avarice,
Or gross ambition (never nice!)

Smith outlines then four stages of
Such ways controlling push and shove;
Each “Way” arising from the jobs
From which folks put meat on the hob:

The first is hunting-fishing plus
Food gathering of fruit and nuts;
Such “Poverty”, so posits Smith,
Means equal status there exists.

The second social stage, he writes,
Is pasture-based, wealth rises right
At this point, then is passed along
In families, ’neath Sheikh and Kahn.

The third’s an economic stage
With three sub-parts which Todd terms “Phase” –
First, petty principality,

Phase”B” is feudal landed ways –
The cities rose – quite stable stayed –
Economy developed in this,
From which we got a power shift.

Phase “C” has manufacturing,
And trade of goods this action brings;
Now rich have somewhere to divest
Themselves of wealth – they can invest.

So commerce is the final stage
For Smith, with industry the rage;
Now “Price” arose, set labor free
From feudal life’s dependency.

So Mercantile describes the life
Of Europe at the start of strife
Engendered by new industry –
And shifts of power all people see.

So Smith makes use of “History”
To make his case, so people see
That structure in society
Is based on one’s economy.

He further states that neighbor’s views
Of our behavior (what we use
To regulate our daily lives)
Is base for how one’s nation thrives.

For we wish (i.e. Scottish folk)
That neighbors not make nasty jokes
Of our incessant penury
Which gets us off our butts to see –

What we might do to status raise
And thereby gain our neighbor’s praise;
Thus driving one’s development
From economic indolence.

Smith says it’s “Prudence” that one needs
To rise from “Poor” to “Great esteem”
In neighbors’ eyes – thus steadily
One perseveres to victory.

But only if frugality
And application, industry
Are singly focused on more wealth
Does nation rise to greater health.

That “Prudence” is uncommon trait,
Is base for why folks cannot wait
To pour esteem on “Prudent” types
(Both rich and poor) – “They do life right”.

But then Smith circles back and says
That giver-outlook always plays
Out as a benefactor-type,
Distributing as it seems right.

“Invisible the hand that guides”
The distribution – that’s the side
Of government and leadership,
Who “Opulence” to all men shift.

Todd thus lays out Smith’s social base
’Fore moving on to make the case
For how the wealth of nations veers
To different roads – tries to make clear.

Lord, thanks for opening up the base
For how Smith thinks, to make his case
For differences in nation’s state
Of wealth in this – I just can’t wait!

Thanks Lord for this.
