“Achilles’ Heel” (Jn.15;3:16) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #21-22B – #1/10]

A general, here in the world can think
Himself quite competent, while on the brink
Of being crushed ten ways, one author lists,
Where satan comes, and we cannot resist.

To lightly view the lives of self and men,
While flaunting courage, courts defeat, for then
It’s violence that crushes from on high,
Like boulder on an eggshell – you will die.

For you’ll be way beyond your competence;
Respond with rashness, not Christ’s providence,
Or Spirit’s guidance; peering through the mist
You blinded are, yet on your way insist.

You check the roads, by looking left and right,
Forward and back, old satan’s not in sight;
Like Moses on that day he slew the man,
You don’t look up – from there old satan can –

Move with a vengeance, like atomic bomb –
Above the earth great violence gone wrong
For Japanese, who had great courage, skill,
“With kamikaze bombers we can kill”.

Lord, I am hearing, courage goodly is,
But on its own, Achilles’ heel there is
In being cavalier about one’s life;
You’re not – in heaven’s war this is done right.

You wish the death of no one; don’t condemn,
But save each one, providing life, and then,
Encouraging each man, and woman, child,
To enter life on Kingdom-space the while.

And yet in freedom You insist we come –
Persuasion Your approach beneath the sun;
When joined with You in battle of the age,
It’s courage, yes – not cavalier, but sage.

Lord, thanks for this reflection on Your ways
Of leading us through what this writer says;
How fast we move, with excess zeal at first;
Help us abide, in You, avoid their worst.

Thanks Lord for this.
