Business Development

The Basic Idea

Business Development is one of the three core aspects of Rural Community Development. It encompasses both the development of existing businesses to enlarge their capacity, and the fostering of new business initiatives.

The selection of business development as a community development intervention strategy has several advantages:

The need for a healthy economic climate and infrastructure in a community was commented on by Lyle Schumacher when he noted after his work in Burma, that one really appreciates good infrastructure when one is suddenly confronted with its absence ( ). This aspect of business development is addressed under the heading of Economic Development. The line between Economic Development and Business development is a fuzzy one, because the two activities are related and overlap to some degree.

There is a wide variety of approaches to Business Development. The approach selected depends to a great extent on the circumstances.

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Reprinted in Ferrazzi, Gabe. Course Reader, Rural Community Development, Brandon University, 2001.