“The Crustacean's Shell (coraza) Of Righteousness” [Spanish Jerusalem Bible Series - Ephesians sub-series - # 6:10-18 @14b]

What is this “Shell of righteousness” which keeps the heart alive?
Like soldier’s “Breastplate” which he needs if he is to survive?
All guff aside, Paul was a Jew, and “Righteousness” was key –
“You pull that off, God will accept the likes of you and me”.

To me I see that as a goal – our full maturity;
Deep change comes slow, and that is good – disruption’s less, I see.
So getting up on Kingdom-layer is so we can grow up
In Christ (as body) – spend our lives without a lot of guff.

I like the pun – “You pull that off” – for that’s where we begin –
Our righteousness is paper thin, does not protect within;
Jews took that as “If you succeed in being righteous, man”
But now I see – “You pull that off; let Christ protect – He can”.

For being righteous does protect us from outside attack,
Just like crustacean's shell that’s made, protects both front and back;
God’s righteousness is through and through – not ours (since Eden’s day),
So we are pretty vulnerable – to satan, easy prey.

To me, that’s like the Kingdom-layer, as home for us to be –
Like sheet of ice upon a lake through which we bottom see;
We glide across its surface, not obstructed by the rocks;
Sure beats addressing obstacles, which bottom-movement blocks.

I read that God, throughout the days of Jewish history,
Worked long and hard to make a place for them to safely be;
I call that, “Kingdom-layer”, or “Pin of pinwheel’s whirling fins”
Jews called it “Kingdom of our God” – God’s rulership within.

I also read things got off track as God worked on that space –
It seems that Jewish folks bought into “Earthly king” as place
To vest their hopes and dreams outside of Eden’s gracious zone;
God walked with them (beside the point) while working on their home.

Then Jesus brought the concept in to center-stage of life;
In from periphery where God and some folks shaped it right;
He then announced its coming; at His death became it’s King;
There for the asking for all folks – so new life can begin.

To me that’s like crustacean's shell – protects us while we grow;
The soldiers picked the concept up – protects from outward blows;
Thus Paul advises – don’t rely on righteousness you’ve got,
But use protective shell of Christ, within which life is wrought.

If we rely on righteousness that’s ours, we’re hypocrites,
Pretending to be better than we are, because if it’s
Our own, it’s patchy – so were vulnerable unless
We fool the ones attacking us – a futile chore at best.

But God is righteous, through and through, not patchy like our score;
As we abide in Him we find protection ever more;
Sure, nothing changes in one sense, we’re still a patchy mess;
But they can’t get us where we’re weak – we flaunt our wretchedness.

Which is absurd to other folks, but frees us up to love
At Christ’s behest, in foolish ways, in world of push and shove;
Retaliation, claiming we are “Not so good ourselves”,
Meets full agreement – “It’s much worse if you would deeper delve”.

Oh, thank You, Lord, for this “Breastplate” – crustacean's sturdy shell,
Which frees us to do life, with You protecting us so well;
Which gives us space; become mature; then be Your body parts
(As You fulfill Your final task), undamaged in our hearts.

Thanks Lord for this.
