Human Resource Development

Basic Aspects of the Issue

Human resource development is a major aspect of economic development in rural life. As people leave the farms owing to changes in technology and farm practice, populations in rural areas have plummeted. This shift in population has dried up the need for a large service sector in the towns compounding the exodus. The need to train and retrain people for new jobs has become a major agenda item at the turn of this century, and promises to continue, as people need to prepare for shifts to jobs in the larger urban centers.

The other aspect of this issue is not confined to the rural areas. The structural shift in jobs owing to the rising information based economy and removal of manufacturing jobs of shore to centers of cheap labor has meant that the job situation for everyone in North America has changed radically. Estimates of career changes over one's lifetime vary widely, but multiple careers are no longer considered unique.

Some of the programs central to this educational effort in Western Manitoba are outlined in the education in economic development section of this web site.

Rural Development Institute Research Studies

Other Resources