“Titus Run-Thru Notes ”

JB Higgins Reference Base (in Peak’s Commentary)

1:1-4 – Pauline Christianity is divinely appointed to lead men to salvation, because God speaks through it.

1:5f – Bishop equals elder here. Appointed to better combat the false teaching.

1:11 – teaching for base gain what they have no right to teach. Cf. “confession” and “apology” saying what God’s thoughts on a matter are.

1:12 – at that time, to “Cretize” is to lie – what a reputation!

1:15 – beautiful – combat to ascetic approach.

2:7 – in teaching, show integrity, gravity, and sound speech (the “young men”?).

2:1-10 – five stations in life, addressed.

2:11-14 – ground of action is incarnation, hope of second coming, and final redemption from all in purity – interesting.

3:1 and 2 – attitude to state and non-Christians – latter wouldn’t hurt a bit if we had some!

3:8 – the inner life’s development is to show itself in an outer life of “a profession of good works”
