So Inclined (Romans 8:5-8)

In sailing we can move against the wind,
By tacking back and forth – once we begin
To set the sail, hauled taut against the boat,
Wind curves around that ‘wing’, then on we go.

If wind is strong, we heal – what thrilling times!
We taste the salt in foam and splashing brine;
If wind drops off, the boat still forward moves,
And lazy talk is shared as it behooves –

Us to relate to others on the deck,
And we look up, and on our sails reflect,
“It’s set of sail, like set of soul in life,
Which sets the goal, not seas of calm or strife”.

Long years ago grandfather shared that thought
Drawn from some verse he from John Oldham got;
The mind’s inclined to Spirit or the flesh,
As source of life – let Spirit now refresh.

For life and peace amidst the foaming storm
Are here for us, hove-to, as breakers warn
Us of close straits, flesh can’t deliver us
Prosperity, along with righteousness.

“That much we know – but now we seek the truth –
What of a life from limits now set loose?
Mind predisposed to reach that harbor front,
Will “grace take home” with what we now confront?

Paul sailed the seas, shipwrecked a time or two;
He got beat up in ways we seldom do;
At which he claims it’s best to hold the course,
It pays much more – success without remorse.

So set your mind, just like one sets a sail;
Life may be calm, or storm might you assail;
Heave-to with laughter; tense and serious
In joy abound, nae – be delirious!
