Group Glory (Romans 8:14-17)

I’ve got this buddy from my days of youth,
Inherited a cottage – well, it’s use –
For he’s joint-heir with brother – lots of fun,
Except it’s joint – locked in for years to come.

For value of the land is now too high,
For one or other family to buy
The cottage from the other – come the days
When clan has spread, new issues that will raise.

But here in Romans, Paul says we are heirs –
Joint-heirs, like cottage brothers, this prepares
Our hearts and minds for credit to be given
For job-well-done – as body – up in heaven.

We think in terms of “me – look what I did”
But fact remains, to body-life He bid
Us each return, to play in larger life
Our part – joint-heir of credit? Not so nice!

For in our age, the solo-act is seen
To be the locus – shows where we have been
Amongst assembled body of our peers;
“Most valued player” trophies we hold dear.

So glory goes, it seems to our platoon
When our reward is granted – someday soon –
Paul says, “Hey, if it had not been
A rescue of your life, we would have seen –

A rather sorry sight here at this time;
Instead, your end of life was quite sublime,
For God inspired your life – to start again,
And brought you here – group effort, that is plain.
