"Ka-Boom!"   [Module # 73B] (Matthew 17:12-13; Mark 9:13)

Permission and authority (we’ve been through that before),
Permission’s from the people ’round – who open up a door;
Authority’s from hand of God – they cannot change that fact,
And if He there’s no authority, then work we do falls flat.

Permission is a different thing – for God will not be stopped;
He’ll find a different way inside to rescue those He’s got;
It’s Jubilee He’s into, that kaboom His power effects
To set at liberty at last – in no wise He rejects –

The ones who call to Him for help, as deep calls unto deep;
If we let others come to us like errant wandering sheep,
He will effect His rescue plan, but if it’s stopped He will
Find other ways to set them free – His love is with us still.

But best of all is “multi-play” He sometimes gets to do,
If we will “Spirit-walk” with Him, and play the role of fool,
So He can reach into our lives, clean out some bit of trash,
Which sets us free to operate by doing what He asks.

It’s often some outrageous thing He calls on us to do;
So kiss goodbye to protocol, credentials, status too;
For all must be there for His use, as He effects His ways,
And gets us to do this and that as He pulls multi-plays.

For yes, Christ’s at the door and knocks, will not push through the door;
Free will is precious to us all – to Christ it’s even more;
But if another, or some thing, is blocking that free will,
He blows it all to kingdom come – in past, now, always will.

For me? I had confused those two – took ordination’s call;
But then He pointed out to me, “It’s ordinance – that’s all
I want to do through you, friend Stu, blow snags, and walls, and doors,
To set my people free – kaboom – explosives role is yours.”

At first I had confused just where the dynamite was from;
I thought it me – a big mistake as into strife I’d run;
But then He pointed out to me that Spirit was the source,
And if I’d just do “this and that” then He’d supply the force.

Now that’s much better all around, and more effective too;
“His yoke is easy, burden light” in Jubilee for you;
Like popcorn in a front row seat, as He effects His will,
The greatest show on earth to me is God All-mighty still.

For God stays just ahead of need, preparing folks to act
On His behalf in this and that, as He effects some tact
To set us free, and others ’round His throne here on the ground –
His kingdom come with Jubilee, kaboom it’s opening sound.

Thanks Lord, for this.
