The Task

It’s easy to forget to see,
When chasing monkeys through the trees,
That Apostolic task’s the thing
Which is the task – to help them sing.

For Givers – whether one or type –
Have wandered off, gone out of sight;
Like calves without the sense of herd,
Their solo life is quite absurd.

The Givers in control are daft:
They say, “Bring me your global cash;
The Givers who are middle class,
Take that approach to local stash.

The poorer Givers watch the sales;
Now spring is here, “Forget retail –
Garages, yards, are what we cruise,
To find old things which we can use.”

When Giver-types in body are,
Life quality exceeds by far
What they can do when all alone,
Out on the hillside where they’ve roamed.

Much better for the body too:
For Giver-types our lives renew,
Their wisdom, balance, steady ways,
Bring settledness to frantic days.

While running all these bush-land tracks,
It’s quite absorbing – standing back
I am reminded here today,
Of what I’m doing in this way.
