
The label of “QuickBooks” is alright I guess,
But “quicker than what?” – just as slow as the rest;
It's quicker than doing my book-work by hand,
But mathy-type work is what I just can't stand.

So why do I do it? “Just farm it all out”;
I can't – it's my context for learning about
My business connections, relationships, ways,
Some aspects of money as handled these days.

For everywhere else it's all mirrors and smoke,
And reading of statements a bit of a joke;
But down in the bowels of ledgers and charts
Is where it comes clearest, before it's an art.

A cheque book or statement of credit card acts
Is statement of faith, showing clearly the facts
Of life for each person, or business, or group;
Far more than if ‘wealthy’ or ‘cooked’ in the soup.

For statements and cheque stubs say what matters most –
How fast we respond; where we fade like a ghost;
How big is our reach; how extensive our plan
As we build foundations to move through the land.

Just like when a youngster comes out with some word,
We're frequently shocked by the concept we've heard;
It indicates more than its meaning right there –
It shows us his vision, and what he might dare.

The cops have a saying, “To see what transpires
Just follow the money – shows what one desires
To do in the long term when no one will talk;
So learn to read statements – it shows where they've walked”.

Such viewing of self (not a bad thing to do),
Is right-brain intensive for me and for you;
But pulling those papers from pocket and purse,
And doing my books is more helpful than curse.

The power in QuickBooks comes after the facts
Are fully recorded with questions one asks –
Like meaning, relationships, cash flows and goals,
And when I look closer, what else I may know.

So back to my QuickBooks I wonder today,
Perhaps when I'm finished I also will play
With things that it shows me as I carry on,
Of what's up ahead now, in light of what's gone.
