
It's like we have a threshold
Beneath which sight is gone;
When things like sun that's setting
Move off, bring others down:

Perceivers can't see “smallness”
They deal with larger chunks;
Nor ’passion folks see atoms,
They feel all life at once;

The givers can't see value
Unless it's rendered cash;
The servers can't see changes
When bosses for them ask;

Encouragers no ‘hopeless’,
There always is a way;
The teachers know no moment
When teaching does not pay;

Administrators, blockage
Or ultimate defeat;
For each there is a blindness
A threshold we all meet.

But all the gifts are present
In each and every one;
Salvation from our blindness
From other gifts must come.

Sometimes small gifts within us
Aren't strong enough to show –
It's then we need each other
So greater things we'll know.

But sometimes all the blindness
Piles up and forms a stack
Which stops us in our journey
And terminates attack.

Accumulated troubles:
(Too small, too wrent, I'm broke,
It doesn't work, it's over,
Too late, I'm dead)’s – no joke.

It's then we face an ending,
Not one we like that much;
We dig out from the rubble,
And laugh at selves and such.

For life has resurrection,
which follows death of seed;
Life changes form and meaning,
Which gives us what we need.

For we live ’neath a threshold
And cannot see above
Until the resurrection
Shows larger life and love.
