Slow Me My Path

As quick the pressure lifts
Old Stu returns to form,
With money woes all gone
I quickly see the norm.

Amazing's what it is –
How fast the greedy eye
Flits over all the goods;
In night's reprieve I sigh.

Paul said it was the law
Which triggered it in him;
For me it's ‘pressure gone’
Which speaks of basic sin.

For sin rebellion is
From highest and the best,
A word that speaks of us
Our settling for less.

I think I see it now
More clearly than before;
Our context sets the pace,
In this case, “buy some more”.

But limits to our life
Keep actions tight in check;
We think we've changed inside
’Till cash illusions wreck.

Like when we boundary-cross
The norms we had back home
Are gone, no limits now,
And less the more we roam.

And that makes sense for me
As I these boundaries cross
From desert’s forty years,
Now milk and honey wash.

He said it happen would
As we passed into ease,
So taught the folks a song
‘Embedded’  if you please.

So when they went astray
(Quite sure he was they would)
This song would then return
And guide them as they should.

It's not that rich is wrong –
Of source we soon lose sight –
Did all this come from God,
Or flow from brains and might?

“Say thanks at meals each day
So when it turns around,
You'll recognize the source
And feet keep on the ground”.

While poor, that speaks of rich;
Why otherwise prepare?
When Rich, it speaks of poor;
To yesterday compare.

So just one simple prayer
Gives hope, ensures success;
Then when hope is fulfilled
It’s God we turn and bless.

Lord, as I live today,
Your focus let me keep;
Not self-sufficient life –
Your strength, for I am weak.

“That cash was not for you,
I'll feed you once again;
A second chance to place
It where it should have been:

“Encourage life with cash
Resource the life around;
As springs up life anew
When water hits the ground.

“It's not for everyone
Just you, my channel be;
Resource-full to the rest
In you my love they'll see.

“Perfection cannot be,
But time is on your side;
Don't let your impulse rule,
But in My life reside.

“Slow down, don't go so fast,
(Encourager's are fast);
Let giver-side rise up,
More balanced than your past.

“Take time to breathe each breath,
Appreciate your lot;
For ‘more’ you do not need
More, savour what you've got.”

Lord, I recall as kids
A friend would sucker keep,
And savour it each day
It lasted for a week.

Already yesterday
As pressure eased for me,
The urge to spend and eat
Was gone, I was set free.

‘Two cells of trouble lift’
I asked of you in prayer
One cell is gone; response
To second lingers there.

Somehow those two are linked
I sense in what I see;
With obstacles now cleared
The plunge will set me free.

“Almost my foot had slipped”
Said bard of long ago;
Lord, in this second cell,
Slow me my path to know.
